Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If Danny Noyola gets the nod, then the Republicans can bring a fight

RudyPosts: 144

Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 2:02:06 PM
This is what the crappy Times had reported. State Rep. Vilma Luna announced Wednesday that she is resigning effective July 31. Democratic Party Chairman Alex Garcia and several others confirmed the resignation will be effective at the end of the month. "My constituents have seen me grow from a single woman to a married woman to the mother of two wonderful boys," she said at a press conference at her legislative office on Gollihar Road. "My family has been blessed many times over, and we tried to give back ... but it is time for my family and I to have more flexibility in our lives." Luna, D-Corpus Christi, was elected to the District 33 seat in 1993. Luna serves as vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee and also has served on the House Calendars and Ways and Means committees. She said the timing of her resignation was in the best interest of her constituents because it allows the election code process to be followed and for her successor to be elected in the regular November election and to serve a full term. Solomon Ortiz Jr. will seek her post, he said in a press release soon after Luna's announcement. "While I declined to seek the Democratic nomination earlier this year because I had no interest in challenging a sitting Democrat, today's announcement really does change things considerably," the press release from the Democratic Party chairman said. Danny Noyola Sr., former principal of Miller High School, was scheduled to announce his intent to run for Luna's position at noon. Luna said she has not made concrete plans about what she will do after she resigns. It is unclear whether she will remain in Corpus Christi.
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RudyPosts: 144

Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 2:05:07 PM
Mrs. Luna was a okay Democrat she kept moving right in her time in the Texas House. A lot of Democrats were angry with a lot of desicions she was making and wanted Ortiz Jr. to run, now I guess they got their wish.

curtis rockPosts: 765
Re: Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 3:34:34 PM
I called Soli on it, about a year ago. It was truly confirmed when he declined the Democratic Chair re-election. When you''re good, you''re good.

Re: Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 3:34:34 PM
I called Soli on it, about a year ago. It was truly confirmed when he declined the Democratic Chair re-election. When you''re good, you''re good.

Wild ApePosts: 2830

Re: Re: Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 7:12:52 PM
I liked her. She was a stateswoman vice your run of the mill Democrat. I wonder if the redistricting did her in.

CalPosts: 651
Re: Re: Re: Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 8:40:29 PM
Not on your life. She got the word from ""The Party"". She had outlived her usefullness and had to be replaced. Politics do get ""Nasty Bad"". :bugeye: The point is she is a victum of ""The System"". Ortiz need a replacement in the not to distant future,so someone is being groomed to fill the bill and it ain''t Vilma. Does the name ORTIZ ring a bell. Gotch Curtis

curtis rockPosts: 765

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vilma Luna resigns 7/5/2006 10:56:26 PM
Cal is 100% correct, except that Vilma wasn''t really a victim of anything. She''s just part of the masterplan. Vilma''s time was up, as Cal stated: ""outlived her usefullness."" I don''t know any Republican that I''ve met that could take a serious stab at Soli Jr. I may as well get my PAC money ready for Soli Jr., because here''s the Republicans are going to need a candidate who is young, well-spoken, well-connected, minority, strong on the issues, and can raise a lot of money. That doesn''t sound like any Republican I''ve ever met in Corpus Christi. With my time in the community and as a Republican, I suggest not even running anyone against Soli if he gets the Democratic nomination. It would be a waste of some poor Republican candidate''s time, and contributor''s money. If Danny Noyola gets the nod, then the Republicans can bring a fight.


At 1:28 AM, Blogger dannoynted1 said...

yeah you poor republicans...........

is there a delay in "carpetbaggers sharing the wealth" maybe its the "locale" seens like enron went off without a hitch!

who praytell was the "financial advisor" for all those idiots who put "enron", "mci", see d younger about doing your homework-- watt why now??


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